Women’s Health Professional Paper:
Title Page: APA format and appropriate running head.
Title Page: APA format and appropriate running head.
Abstract: provide a synopsis of the topic/thesis as per APA guidelines in 100-150 words.
Introduction: provides an overview of the paper and describes the objectives of the paper.
Review of Literature: contains literature to describe the relevance of the topic; reflects current and relevant literature (articles older than five years must be pre-approved for use); demonstrates synthesis of major points from selected readings, and provides a framework for the analysis section. References from the nursing literature are to be included. Discussion of the selected topic should apply methods and theories learned in this course and any previous nursing courses. Examples of level heading that you may need in the review of literature section are: Relevance, Findings, Limitations, Discussion, and Conclusion (these are not required but often help to make your paper more organized). If you use more than one level heading be sure to review APA. At least THREE nursing research articles included; application of appropriate nursing theory for clinical setting identified and supported with references.
Analysis and Application to Professional Nursing Practice includes: a discussion of the selected Women’s Health issue and its challenges; a comprehensive analysis and application of the selected topic to professional nursing practice; including the professional nursing roles identified in the ANA Essentials of Baccalaureate Education (see student learning outcomes); and at least one of the essential professional AACN values. Analysis and Application to Professional Nursing Practice. Paper clearly identifies strategies to approach challenges and issues related to women’s health care topic, analysis and application reflect clear understanding of professional nursing practice, application of selected nursing theorist is discussed, and at least one of the six ANA professional nursing roles is addressed.
Bibliography (References): The bibliography should include at least 6 professional, refereed journal articles. Appropriate literature has been selected, paper demonstrates synthesis of major points from selected readings, reviews and develops the framework for the analysis section. All references are properly cited in the body of the paper. References are appropriate to the topic. Citations follow APA guidelines. There is a balance of text and journal articles. References over five years old must be considered “classic” and have approval from faculty for inclusion.
Grammatical and Spelling Format: paper is free of grammatical and spelling errors. APA (Sixth Edition) Format is followed throughout the entire paper. Content of paper should be between 3-5 pages – not counting references, title page or attachments. The paper looks professional. Greater than five errors in this area can result in a failing g
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