Sunday, 20 April 2014

Human Resources (HR)

Human Resources (HR)

Project description
Assignment task
You are required to complete an application form for an internship (see below for more details of background)) using your reflections on activities within this module including assignments, readings, class activities and self-assessment tools to present a convincing argument for your acceptance.
Your application should present a persuasive account of personal competencies developed during the module.
In the recruitment and selection process organisations typically use competency based questions in their application forms and during interviews. These require you to reflect on your own areas of competence, your motives, and your values to demonstrate how well you meet their requirements. In this assignment you are required to complete an example of a typical application form for an internship (see following page) using your reflections on activities within this module , readings, class activities and self-assessment tools to present a convincing argument for your acceptance.
To succeed you will have to
Keep a regular record of reflections (Learning Log) on your personal learning and development from experiences related to the topics and activities included in this module. You may use the template on Moodle, create your own or use Mahara on the VLE. NB: Your learning log should not be submitted as it is simply a database from which you draw examples of events to illustrate the answers to the questions.
Undertake self-evaluation using theory and self-evaluation tools from the module and your independent research.<br />
Take note of formal and informal feedback from peers and tutors throughout the module as part of your self-evaluation
Structure your answers using CAR. Remember, the problem or situation is of far less importance than how you resolved it and what you learned from the experience.
Focus on your actions, not those of other people, even if the question asks about working as part of a team.
Draw on a variety of recent situations from your study of this module rather than focus on just one area. Your answers provide clues about your personality, motivation and leadership skills, and help an employer to decide on your suitability for the job.
In Question 5 apply SMART to the creation of your action plan.
For advice on application processes
Another useful source of application advice with many examples of questions from large companies
Application Form (A separate word template is posted on the Moodle site)
Student I.D.:
This form contains two sections. Please answer all questions in both sections.
Section 1 Personal Competencies
Please use this section to outline particular experiences or activities during your study of Introduction to Management that you feel show your aptitude and strengths in being considered for an internship.
The information you provide will be the basis for short listing.
1) Provide an example of where you overcame a problem. Given the chance, what would you do differently? (300 words)
2)Tell us about a time when you were part of a team and there was a difference of opinion. What happened and what did you do? What was the outcome? (300 words)
3) Imagine that you had agreed to an international assignment of longer than six months. What would you see as your greatest strength in achieving success in that context? (300 words)
Section 2 General questions
In this section please tell us about the guiding principles behind your ambitions and career development plans.
4) If you could have any person (alive or dead) to be your management consultant who would you choose and why? What was most significant about their contribution to your understanding of management? (300 words)
5) What do you consider your most important development need and why? How will you go about achieving improvement? Outline an action plan. (300 words)


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