Sunday, 20 April 2014

Psychology Diabetes

Psychology Diabetes

Project description
All question need to be answered according to you assigned disease; diabetes.
a. Physical Disease State that is creating the problem:
What problem are you addressing? What is the disease process or processes that this problem is associated with?
Who has the disease? How many people are affected? These data are called incidence and prevalence You need to research and present the incidence and prevalence patterns. A lot of this information n your chapter. Use that information to frame the issue for you. (5)
b. how does the disease work? This is called etiology and again, a lot of this is in your textbook (etiology).(5)
c. What are the symptoms and the consequences of the disease? For example, in osteoporosis, bone loss creates fragility in bones, leading to falls, fractures etc. (5)
2. Statement of Issues/Problems created by this disease process: (15)
a. What are the social/psychological consquences? Again,using above: loss of mobility, isolation etc…(10)
b. what particular aspect of this disease process are you going to focus on? This is at at core of the statement of the central problem. (5)
3. Statement of Project/Intervention: How are you going to solve the problem? (25)
a. what are the typical interventions are right now? You have to look into and give a summary of current approaches to the issue


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