Television Criticism: Meta-Analysis
Paper instructions:
This is one part of an overall critical analysis paper for the television show Hoarding: Buried Alive.
Purpose: A traditional meta-analysis is designed to provide a cons ice and comprehensive picture of findings across qualitative studies that investigate the same general research topic. It’s an interpretation of interpretations.
For this assignment, you will write one paper, for lack of a better descriptor, we will call a meta-analysis; in this paper you will analyze the analyses that use (or discuss) a methodological approach that interests you. Your goal is to create an argument in support of the method/approach you would like to use in your critical analysis paper. By the end of this assignment, you should have a nearly complete method section for your final critical analysis.
Please compose your argument by answering the following questions:
1. How has this approach been defined? Do scholars generally agree or disagree about how the approach should be defined?
2. Do disciplines other than the Communication Studies use this approach, and if so, are there differences between how the approach is used in those other disciplines and how it is used in Communication Studies?
3. Has this method/approach been used previously in television and/or film research? If so, how?
4. What major findings have been revealed?
5. What limitations of the approach have been revealed?
6. Why is this approach appropriate for the study of your text/artifact (Hoarding:Buried Alive)? Has this approach ever been used to study Hoarding: Buried Alive or a program like the one you selected to study? (So like Hoarders and other like television shows)
-Please do not answer these questions as a list. This is an essay and should flow as one with proper transitions.
-Pease provide bibliographic information for the sources you used in creating this meta-analyses.
-Correct APA throughout the paper and bibliography is a must.
-The textbook used in our class is Vande Berg, L.R., Wenner, L.A., and Gronbeck, B.E. (2004) Critical Approaches to Televison (2nd Edition). Boston: Houghton Mifflin, Co. (This should help with information on types of methods, and also you may use the chapter reference list in that book to help guide in finding sources.)
-Pease provide bibliographic information for the sources you used in creating this meta-analyses.
-Correct APA throughout the paper and bibliography is a must.
-The textbook used in our class is Vande Berg, L.R., Wenner, L.A., and Gronbeck, B.E. (2004) Critical Approaches to Televison (2nd Edition). Boston: Houghton Mifflin, Co. (This should help with information on types of methods, and also you may use the chapter reference list in that book to help guide in finding sources.)
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