Wednesday 18 December 2013

Substance-Related Disorder

Substance-Related Disorder
Discuss a movie, television show/character, or other media outlet (i.e., magazine, nonfiction book, etc.) that discusses someone with the possibility of having a Substance-Related Disorder. In your discussion, provide a title and summary of the movie (no more than 150 words).
Also, answer the following questions:
(1) what characteristics did the person have that led you to believe he/she has a Substance-Related Disorder?
(2) Do you think the media did an accurate portrayal of the disorder discussed? Why or why not?
(3) What are some aspects about the disorder that weren’t considered?
(4) What are some gender and cultural aspects that need to be considered?
(5) How does this presentation affect people’s perception of the mental illness?
(6) Do you think it contributes to the negative stigmas associated with it, or do you think it was useful in reducing stigma?
Need at least TWO(2) sources for your assignment. They have to be peer-reviewed article/credible sources.
Also, in-text citations are REQUIRED.
Style of paper can be anything, any essay type, you can include bullet points,, numbers, free writing paper etc, as long as it all makes sense and followed instructions. But as for one that knows how to write it is essential to know that, without intro and conclusion its not good.

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