Wednesday 18 December 2013

The perspective of Stock exchange market in Thailand.

The perspective of Stock exchange market in Thailand.
Paper instructions:
This is the information about this paper;
- about SET stock exchange of Thailand. what would it be in the future this coming year
- I have to submit paper to professor of INVESTMENTS class.
-My professor is an expert in Finance and Investment things.
-This will be my last chance that I can do for improve my grade.This report will be my final exam. If the report is not as expected, I will fail and have to retire from university.
so this paper is VERY IMPORTANT to me.
- I have to do some research regard to that topic above.
- I also have to use the information from my research to adapt with what I studied in classroom. The professor want me to use thing that he taught apply in real world practice.
- so far what chapters I studied in classroom are Risk and Return, Efficient Diversification, Capital Asset pricing and arbitrage pricing theory, Efficient market hypothesis, BOnd Price and yields, Managing Portfolio and Equity Valuation.,
-Analyses, develop critical thinking , evaluate asset and investment instruments
I’m not sure how many pages should it be, It combines both Financial, Accounting, and Risk Management,, Insurance, Bussiness, everything

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