Thursday 19 December 2013



On the midterm, you answered the question “what is the Anthropocene?” with basic technical definitions given by geologists –it is ‘the age of man,’ an age that began in 1750, characterized by warming climate, etc. Now, for your final essay, I want you to think more philosophically and personally about the Anthropocene.
Why does Roy Scranton say that we need to “learn how to die in the Anthropocene”?
-Who needs to learn to die? What is already dead? Why? How?
-What does it mean to say that we are living in a civilization on life support? What is that life support?
-Give a few examples of things you see around you that appear as evidence that we’re living in a clinically dead civilization (i.e., melting arctic as much as Obama selfie!! Could be songs, events, things people do, etc.).
-Most importantly, what does this mean for us? That is, what is your own response, emotional, intellectual, or practical, to the idea that we’re living in the end of a civilization?
-Write me a postcard from the future of New York, 30 years from now. It’s 2040, what do you see around you? At the level of their daily lives, how are people living?
-Finally… anything else you’d like to add?
(Scranton’s article for reference)
Be specific and be thoughtful! This is the time for you to put all the amazing thoughts and ideas you guys have had this semester down on paper. Who knows, if they’re interesting enough, they might even end up in my book!

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