Friday, 18 April 2014

Why fast food are unhealthy?

Topic: Why fast food are unhealthy?

Instruction: just preview the body, let audience interested in this speech.
Body: 3 paragraphs. state main point.
1. fast food lead to disease. food lead to fat.
3. use my own example. I was just 60kg when I just come to USA as high school student. I always eat Mcdonald’s, KFC, burger king. One year later, I was 80KG. My friends really surprise for my change. I am really regret and doing sports everyday. It is easy to fat but difficult to keep fit.
Conclusion: vivid ending. prepared audience ending. summary main point.
Pay attention for the resources. I will just read your paper as my speech draft so please includes the cite.
I am international student so please use easy words because I can’t read difficult words fluently.
Speech #3: The Informative Speech
Purpose: To inform your audience about some defined aspect of a person/place/thing/event/idea. Do NOT give another process (how-to) speech.
Specific Purpose Statement Examples:
• The audience will understand why gas prices are so high.
• The audience will know the benefits of a high-fiber diet.
• The audience will understand the causes and effects of Type II Diabetes.
• The audience will be aware of the three theories of aging.
• The audience will know the history of the Vietnam Memorial.
(I choose to talk about why fast food are unhealthy.)
Assignment Description: The goal of this speech is to simply inform the audience by imparting knowledge and understanding about an idea, object, person, place, or event. At the end of the speech, the audience should have a balanced view of your topic based on your research. Select topics that are useful and interesting. Your goal is not to express your attitude or personal viewpoint on the topic. Just provide the facts so the audience can decide for themselves what, if anything, is important. Do not urge the audience to act on your topic or issue – just inform them.
• Make your message clear and avoid jargon.
• Make your message accurate and use research.
• Make your message vivid and memorable, using descriptive words.
• Make your message interesting, keeping your audience’s interests in mind.
• Make your message relevant, considering ways to relate the topic to your audience.
Delivery Method: This speech should be delivered extemporaneously, which means that it is prepared in advance, which includes rehearsing it. Use a conversational speaking style that talks naturally “with” us, not “at” us. Keep movements and gestures natural. Since using at least one visual aid is required, practice working with it prior to the presentation.
Speaking Outline: This speech should be delivered from a brief set of notes (keywords, brief phrases, etc.), called a Speaking Outline (see Chapter 11). These notes should not be written word-for-word, except for quotes. Speaking notes are acceptable in any format: index cards, sheets of paper, notebook, binder, etc., and should follow basic outline format (labeled headings, notation, indentation, etc.). You are not to read your speech and you should use as much eye contact as possible. Regardless of the format your speaking outline takes when delivering your speech, you will need to submit this outline to your instructor by the assigned due date.
Organization: The most common strategic orders (Chapter 9) for this type of informative speech are chronological and topical. However, on occasion, the causal or spatial pattern may also be used.
Preparation Outline: A Preparation Outline is written in full sentences, is properly labeled and follows proper outline format (refer to Chapter 11). Use good organization as you prepare your speech. You should submit a well organized Preparation Outline of your speech by the assigned due date. This outline should include:
• An Introduction that fulfills the functions of an effective beginning
1. Gains the interest and attention of the audience
2. Reveals the topic of your speech
3. Establishes credibility and goodwill
4. Previews the body of the speech


• A Body with Main Points developed and arranged properly and logically
1. Written in full sentences
2. Uses proper outline format (notation, indentation)
3. Main Points are well developed and supported
4. Sources and supporting material cited (written) in the outline
5. Connectives employed effectively between Main Points
• A Conclusion that fulfills the functions of an effective ending
1. Summarizes the main ideas of the speech
2. Closing statement that reinforces, unifies and creates a lasting impression
• A Bibliography or Works Cited list of your sources using MLA or APA format
Visual Aids: At least 1 visual aid is required for this speech. The accuracy, clarity, appropriateness, and usefulness of your visual aid will be part of your evaluation. The audience should not feel that the visual aid has been thrown in at the last minute or that the speech would have been equally good or even better if no visual aid had been used. Refer to Chapter 14 for types of visual aids and guidelines on preparing and presenting effective visual aids. If using technology, always have a back-up plan.
Sources: Three (3) sources are required for this speech presentation. Consider the legitimacy, recency, credibility, balance, and accuracy of your sources. State WHO the source is and why they are qualified, not just the statistic/fact/quote/example from the source. A web address is NOT a source; it is merely the location of the source. A database (Wikipedia) is not a source; it is a compilation of information from many sources. Cite the original source of the information. Your sources must be cited out loud in your speech, written into your Preparation Outline where the supporting material from the source occurs, and listed in your Bibliography/Works Cited list.
Bibliography/Works Cited list: Required for this speech. List the sources using either MLA or APA format. Include as part of your Preparation Outline.
Verbal Communication: Give adequate attention to the verbal aspects of this speech. Avoid the use of vocalized pauses. Speak in well-formed, grammatically correct sentences. Articulation, enunciation and correct pronunciation are important.
Nonverbal Communication: The nonverbal aspects of public speaking that require attention in this speech include posture, natural gestures, appropriate attire, facial expressions, eye contact and purposeful body movements.
To Be Submitted by Due Date: Your Speech #3 Video should be uploaded using Speech Video Capture in Connect Lucas. Your speaking outline and your preparation outline should follow written work guidelines and be sent as attachments (one per message) via Blackboard. In addition, if you used PowerPoint or any other electronic visual aid, please submit them as well.
NOTE: Please refer to the “Guidelines for Recording and Submitting Speech Videos” and “Using Speech Video Capture in Connect” documents prior to completing this assignment. See syllabus for written work guidelines.


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