Friday, 18 April 2014

president has expanded his authority beyond what was expressed in the constitution

The first question is.
1. many observers say the president has expanded his authority beyond what was expressed in the constitution. what is the usual and accepted listing of the executive roles and powers from the constitution? what political, economic or military factors might have caused this"apparent" expansion of authority? how is this seen in terms of formal amendments, delegations by law from Congress, constitutional interpretations by the judiciary, claims of "inherent" authority by the executive, and individual presidential actions? in your opinion, has the system of checks and balances become "unbalanced" as a result of changing responsibilities in the current political scene? cite current examples of executive uses of authority to illustrate your examples and personal point of view.
2. Define what a "responsable" political party is in the traditional terms used in political science. How do you view the activities of present-day parties in comparison with your "classic" definition? What are some of the criticisms voiced about the American party system? in what ways are parties, as they function now, effective and essentials components of the political process in the US on the local, state and national levels? What policy differences exits between the democratic and Republican parties? How would you explain these differences to a new voter as a part of their socialization into understanding American electoral politics? Do third parties offer organization, pluralism and electoral process? In your opinion, what is the future of party identification in the US?
I need a bibliography, of the sources being use, also for my class we use the book we the people, shorter ninth edition,but the professor know we will need outside sources and they must be cited and the book must also be cited in the essay


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