Friday, 18 April 2014

organisation’s standards and expectations

You must submit:
? a written code of conduct.
? a completed questionnaire.
Quality specifications:
? The code of conduct should contain information detailing the organisation’s standards and expectations with regards to:
? personal behaviour
? behaviour towards others in the workplace
? behaviour towards clients
? business ethics
? compliance with relevant legislation
? expectations regarding the use of information
? any specific requirements for individuals based on the nature of the industry.
? Your completed questionnaire should:
? Demonstrate an understanding and ability to manage business ethics in the workplace.
? Demonstrate compliance with legislative requirements.
? Describe reasonable behaviour and actions and support that organisational policies and procedures.
Adjustment for distance-based learners
? No variation to assessment is required.
Questionnaire – Business ethics
1. Code of conduct
For the code of conduct you have completed for JKL Industries, answer the following questions.
a. How would you communicate the code of conduct?
b. Who would you be consulted and why?
c. How would you monitor employee adherence to the code of conduct?
d. How would you incorporate the code of conduct into HR policies and practices?
2. You have had a complaint from one of the senior managers that information relating to a sexual harassment investigation was being discussed amongst his team members. He believes the human resources officer may have discussed the case with a friend of hers (uninvolved in the case) who works in the managers department.
a. What action would you take as the human resources manager?
b. What could be the consequences of failing to act promptly and appropriately?
c. How can you ensure all human resources staff are clear about ethical expectations and behaviours?
3. Your recruitment service provider has advised you that on an employee request form submitted to the provider, the manager specifically requested he preferred older women who won’t “run off and get pregnant”.
a. What legislation is this in breach of?
b. What action would you take?
c. When you discussed the situation with the manager, he stated, “Where is that written down? How am I supposed to know this stuff? I’m a mechanic not an HR expert. Why don’t you do this from now on?”
a. What documentation within the organisation would carry this information?
b. What would you do to ensure that all personnel in the organisation are aware of their obligations, the company’s policies, procedure and expectations and the consequences of unethical behaviour.


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