Monday 16 December 2013

Political science

Political science
Paper instructions:

1) Is it clear what points you are making/what you are saying?
2) Are the sources/paragraph summaries addressing the causes of elder abuse?
3) Do you need to add detail to thoroughly explain your point? Remember your reader has no
idea what’s in your head. A good step may be to have someone read your paper and ask
them what they think you’re trying to say. If they have trouble, miss points, or you need to
“fill in” some details then you need to adjust your paper.
Common Mistakes:
1) Failing to add enough detail to explain their argument.
2) Failing to address the causes of elder abuse in the individual paragraph summaries.
3) Failing to use scholarly/peer reviewed articles.
In order for policy-makers to create effective policy, they must first understand the cause of
the problem that they hope to solve. Like policy-makers, you lack the time, funding resources, or
staff to engage in your own scientific research on the causes of elder abuse. Therefore you must
rely on others in order to understand the causes of elder abuse. Remember you are not simply
attempting to understand the types. You are attempting to understand the reasons why the abusers
engage in the abuse.
Gather nine scholarly reviewed / academic articles that address the causes of elder abuse. If
you find an article that does not address the causes of elder abuse, do not include it in your nine
articles. (Listen to the audio file: the process).
1) List the articles in either MLA or APA format.
2) Include a paragraph for each source explaining the main arguments about the causes of
elder abuse that the author offers.
3) After you have created the bibliography and paragraphs for all nine sources, select five
sources that you think are superior or more useful for understanding the causes of
elder abuse.
4) Explain in at least two paragraphs why you found these five sources more credible or
useful than the other sources.
Topic: Elder Abuse Stage One: Building a Theory
Elder Abuse Stage One: Building a Theory | cite any sources |
How you are graded:
1) Is it clear what points you are making/what you are saying?
2) Have you properly identified causes and not simply types?
3) Have you integrated all of the relevant sources?
4) Do you need to add detail to thoroughly explain your point? Remember your reader has no
idea what’s in your head. A good step may be to have someone read your paper and ask
them what they think you’re trying to say. If they have trouble, miss points, or you need to
“fill in” some details then you need to adjust your paper.
Common Mistakes:
1) Failing to adequately explain what each factor you have chosen means and offer examples
of it.
2) Failing to adequately explain how the multiple factors you’ve identified.
1) You must mediate the competing ideas of causation offered in the articles that you
have collected. From all of these articles, form a multi-factor theory of causation for
elder abuse. Offer examples and details to illustrate each factor and how it relates to
other factors.
2) Create a visual representation of your theory in the form of a flow chart. This visual
representation should illustrate the factors and how they relate to one another in a
manner that simplifies communication. CLICK HERE FOR MORE ON THIS TOPIC

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