Wednesday 18 December 2013

Dilemma 3: Voluntary/Assisted Euthanasia

Dilemma 3: Voluntary/Assisted Euthanasia
Dax Case 1
The Terry Schiavo Documentary
1) The quality of life for two individuals has been dramatically affected following traumatic events. What are the ethical implications in the scenarios?In your CLC group, interview a hospital administrator, and a neighbor/friend. (A total of TWO different individuals must be interviewed by the group in-person or by telephone).
a) Ask all individuals interviewed to share their philosophy and worldview in relation to the ethical dilemma your group identified for Part 1 of this CLC assignment.
b) Summarize the responses of each of the TWO individuals interviewed.
c) As a group, consider the responses of the individuals interviewed and assess their similarities/differences.Your group is interviewing four individuals regarding the ethical dilemma you selected for Part 1 of the assignment. You all need to ask the same questions to the people you will interview so you can compare and contrast their views along with your group views and then make a written recommendation how you all felt. There are only two parts for the rubric: The interviews are discussed in detail along with supportive reasoning and the team identifies their own position on the issue and gives justification and connection to theory.?
As a suggestion I think these questions can be a starting point. I think no more than 5 questions should be okay.
1. Please tell me your personal view of voluntary/assisted euthanasia.
2. Please tell me your professional view of voluntary/assisted euthanasia.
3. Where do you think the dilemma falls for the patient?
4. Where do you think the dilemma falls for you?
5. What written material do you use to answer these questions?

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