Tuesday, 25 February 2014

From the research I found on the at-will employee, being fired for any reason, I guess that is not necessarily so.  The all Business article I located mentions how, "there's also an enormous body of federal and state law limiting an employer's ability to terminate employees for reasons having to do with race, ethnicity, religion, marital or disability status and, in some cases, sexual orientation" (all Business, 1999-2013).  Prior to reading the article, e was still on the clock.  He said, he was not but the owner went back to his office and pulled his time sheet and found out that he was.  He states, he was on his lunch break but had forgotten to clock out, and the owner had my manager fire him.  This was a very dependable employee who did everything around where I work and now nothing gets done now that he is gone.  Of course, the word is, the employee did not get fired because he was washing his vehicle, but that he had said, he was on his lunch break when it was determined by the clock, that he was still clocked in.
But wouldn't that same apparent dishonesty have worked to "authorize" a firing in a "for cause only" jurisdiction, John? Either for the lying or for the doing non-job related activity while clocked in???FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THIS TOPIC CLICK HERE 

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