Saturday, 22 February 2014

Historians sometimes speak of the “Reagan Revolution” that occurred after Ronald Reagan became president in 1981.

Historians sometimes speak of the “Reagan Revolution” that occurred after Ronald Reagan became president in 1981. This revolution represented a conservative backlash against the liberalism of the first half of the twentieth century, and arguably continues to set the tone of political debate in the country today. Identify the key ideological components of the conservative constitutionalism associated with the Reagan Era and the Rehnquist Court. In practice, how did conservative constitutionalism affect American politics and the American government? Has the influence of conservative constitutionalism increased or declined in the decades since Reagan left office?
When completing this assignment, draw from two of the following documents:
  1. George H. W. Bush: Address before a joint session of the Congress on the state of the Union, January 28, 1992
  2. George W. Bush: Address before a joint session of the Congress on the state of the Union, January 23, 2007 
  3. William J. Clinton: Inaugural address, January 20, 1997 
  4. Barack Obama: Inaugural address, January 20, 2009
  5. Ronald Reagan: Inaugural address, January 20, 1981
  6. Contract with America: 1994
  7. Click Here To Get More on This Topic......

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