Sunday, 9 March 2014

SkillSoft (2012). Basic Presentation Skills:

Resources: SkillSoft (2012). Basic Presentation Skills: Creating a Presentation. Complete Basic Presentation Skills: Creating a Presentation module in Skillport. Write a 200- to 300-word response to the following questions: What are the most effective practices in creating and delivering a technical business presentation?
Halfmoon is an online wholesaler of hiking, biking, and boating gear. Halfmoon’s CEO, Montana Wildhack, wants his employees to excel in oral and written communication. He has hired a consultant to train the employees. During the presentation, the consultant highlights his comments by writing on a chalkless whiteboard, using green and yellow markers. The consultant has participants break into small groups to role-play. They take mock customer orders, field complaints, and interact with vendors, using a prepared checklist of do’s and don’ts. At one point, when a seminar participant calls in a question, the consultant says, “No, that would be wrong, wrong, wrong! Why would you ever respond to a customer like that? Common sense would dictate a different response.” Write a 200-to 300-word post discussing the speaker’s oral communication skills. Using the guidelines in the chapter, explain what went wrong and why. Explain what was effective.


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