Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Cause, mission, vision, goals. Who are the stakeholders (key relationships), targetgroups, board of directors? What activities does dosomething do to achieve theirgoals? Why? Why is it a social enterprise? Why is it social entrepreneurship?
Business model: Which tribes do they connect? What is their story? How do theymake money? What is their value proposition to stakeholders/sponsors/teens andcustomers? Why would sponsors/donors/government want to work Opportunities?
Finances: what do the figures tell us about their financial health, growth? What istheir main revenue, main expenses? In dollars and In kind?
CEO: Who is Nancy Lublin? History, achievements, bio, character? Socialentrepreneur? Why? Public profile on the site? What can you find on her on theinternet?
Team: Select main roles, who are they (background, education etc)? What do theydo, why? How do they contribute to the main cause. Do they make money, howmuch?
Set up of the website, structure, what can you do on he site, how is it a marketingtool and how do they make money from site? What do you like and don’t like. SocialMedia presence: Where, why, what, marketing strategy and goals, results, examples?Listen/Learn, respond, engage/spread the word, involve, empower?

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