Saturday 9 November 2013

web strategy for a business

Paper instructions:
In Unit 3, you wrote a critical analysis of Chaffee’s article in Thinking Critically, “Will the Web Kill Colleges?” (p.91). For your project draft, extend Chaffee’s argument into the business that you chose in your Strategic Recommendation Pre-Writing assignment from Unit 2. Locate at least three additional articles (other than the two you located in that assignment) concerning the business implications of the Web for this business in the future. ( Note: You will use this same business to complete the remaining assignments in this course.)
•Identify the business you chose and describe the business and its industry.
•Assess the company’s current use of the Web.
•Analyze the implications of the Web for the future of your chosen business. Highlight the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Use the five articles that you found to help support your analyses. Be careful to distinguish between your opinion and the voices of your academic resources. Remember to use proper APA formatted citations and references.
•Identify and evaluate potential ethical questions raised by this vision of the future.
•If you were advising this business on future direction, what actions would you advocate regarding their integration or further capitalization of the Web? Why?
Your assignment should be 5–7 double-spaced pages, including a title page, introduction, body, conclusion, and references. Your paper should be a solid draft. You will have the opportunity to revise and refine your draft in Unit 5, integrating peer review feedback as well as your instructor’s. However, you will also complete a PowerPoint presentation of your final paper in Unit 6, so you will want your draft to be mostly complete in this unit to give yourself ample time to work on these other components. Analyze your issues thoughtfully and present them in an organized manner.

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