Wednesday, 6 November 2013

handling technique

e. 1-taxing the buyer ask a question or gix e an objection.
J. A response using another objection—handling technique.
g.Atrial (lose to see xx liether ou successfully handled the ohjection.
J. Asking br the order again using an unused closing technique. l)ont he
push. I se a calm, laid—hack. triendlx cons ersational style,
I. Rupeating tIte clnse—t)l)jcct ion—cIt se—ohjection sequence if appr( pri.ite.
S. lo nuplete SALE 8. xx rite tip the ,tbox e parts ti—i in a script format. R de—pla
this dialogue until it snunds natural to ou, Ihis ma require replacing the
used techniques xx ith ilew ones. Once the tuanusc ript is finali,ed. input ii. and
ttun it in to our instruUor.
II CASE 11—1
‘l’he Grooming Store, a large chain of personal—care
retail stores, has mailed you an inquiry on personal
care items. They want to knoxx about our elec
tric shax ers, moustache trimmers, and hair groom
ing kits. On arrival, you make a presentation to
the purchasing agent, Christina Mercuri. You state
that ou have visited several of their stores. You
discuss your i’vol ing retail display, which con
tains an assortilent of the three items Mercuri
had mentioned in tier inquir. and relate the dis
play’s advantages and features to benefits for The
Grooming Store.
1)uring your presentation Mercuri has listened
hut has said little and has not gix en you any lxiv
ing signals. Howex er, it appears she is interested.
She did not object to our price, nor did she raise
any other objections.
I/CASE 11-2
Central Hardwa Sppiy
Sam Gillespie. owner of Central Hardware Supply.
was referred to you b a mutual friend. Gillespie
was thinking of dropping two of his product sup
pliers of home—building supplies. “The sale should
be guaranteed. your friend had stated.
our friend’s information was correct, and
your prc’scntation to Gillespie conx jnces ou that
he will benefit trom hu ing from x ou. I Ic tom—
nients as von conclude the presentation “I ooks
like you r product will sok e our problem. I’d like
to think this Over. Itoss cx cc. Could you call me
tonl()rrow or the next da ?“
‘iou approach the end of the preselltalloll and
it is time to close. You hay e said cx er thing on
can think of
What is the best way to ask Mercuri for the order?
a. “How do you like our products, Ms MercurP”
b. “What assortment do you prefer, the A or B
c. “Can we go ahead with the order?”
d. “If you’ll just OK this order form, Ms. Mercuri,
we’ll have each of your stores receive a display within two weeks.”
2. Discuss the remaining alternatives from Question 1,
ranking them from good to bad, and state what
would likely happen f a salesperson responoed in that manner.
1. The best way to handle this is to
a. Follow his suggestion.
b. Ignore his request and try a second close.
c. Probe furiher, You might ask: ‘The tact mat
you have to think this over suggests that I
haven’t convincnd you. Is there something I’ve
omitted or failed to satisfy you with?”
2. What would be your second and tnird hoices Why
360 PART 3: The Relationship Selling Process I!


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